Sunday, March 26, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Crappy picture of Pennsylvania Ave-- the 1600 block is no longer a real street that you can drive on, so 1700 was as close as I could get.
Shifty walk-- entering the Do Not Enter on Pennsylvania Ave!!
(Same shifty walk also appropriate for creeping past scary homeless people and jaywalking in our Nation's Capital.)
Unknown building with cool eagle on top... whatever it is, it's important, lots of security! (Plus the lights from the traffic look pretty cool.)
The most boring place to work in the world... or a cover for a secret assasin organization? You decide.
The Washington Monument
Steph's shoe comes untied at the Washington... yes, this is the natural way to tie it...
The goal was to look as though I was holding the monument... but I just look like Vanna.
The goal was to look as though I was holding the monument... but I just look like Vanna.
A tourist offered to take our picture in exhange for information about the nearest bathroom-- apparently she really had to pee and couldn't stop wiggling.